We use a blend of adjustments to meet patient's needs. We specialize in Blair upper cervical care to adjust the neck. This ensures a precise and specific adjustment to the neck without twisting or cracking. It is a light-force adjustment facilitated by the use of a drop table. For the mid and lower back we mostly diversified adjustments. These are what people think of as "traditional" adjustments. We also offer activator technique. This is the most gentle technique that utilizes an instrument ca
The body can require extra and specific attention when bringing another life into the world. It is very important that both the mother and the child are comfortable during pregnancy. One way we ensure this is by utilizing Webster technique. This is a specific chiropractic technique that helps with alignment of the sacrum and pelvis and an important ligament known as the round ligament. Keeping these structures in good alignment can put a mother in a good position to ensure a healthy and quick de
Kids need chiropractic too! The amount of pressure on the neck of a baby at childbirth is over 60 pounds of pressure. That's over 6 times their body weight. Infants can have misalignments from day one of life. It is always good to take your child to a pediatric chiropractor to ensure they have proper alignment. Fixing the alignment is easy, the amount of force used is the equivalent of how much pressure you might touch your eyelid with. Their bones are not fused together therefore they are very
At our office we use body temperature via an infrared scan to help determine function. A hot spot might indicate an area that has inflammation or acute pain. A cold spot might indicate an area with chronic pain or stagnant blood flow. As a standalone it might not be enough information to diagnose the problem. However, when used with a thorough exam it can be a critical piece of information to help to determine where to deliver an adjustment to the spine.
We have a class 3b cold laser at the office. The cold laser can be used in times where an adjustment is not indicated. The most common time for this is soft tissue injuries. Let's say you sprain your ankle. In this case, the ankle is unstable and an adjustment would be contraindicated. Instead, a cold laser used red and infrared waves to help heal the tissue faster than it could on its own. It does this by promoting tissue healing and increasing blood flow to the area.
If you experience a motor vehicle collision, chance are you have been injured. Studies have shown any collision over 5mph is the equivalent of catching a 10 pound sand bag from 2 stories high, that's a lot of force! To ensure the best care, check with your insurance company to make sure you have a policy called Personal Injury Protection (PIP). If you have this policy it can pay for your medical bills in case of an auto injury.
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